GWEN ROY: Well Cared for 2006 Bavaria 39C

$235,000 REDUCED $210,000PRICE REDUCED FROM - $235,000 to $210,000

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Listing offered by a Dealer / Broker
NZ Boat Sales
   Contact Mike Cameron
   0508 4 BOATS or 0508 4 26287
   021 765 141 (Mobile)
  PO Box 735
View Website


PRICE REDUCED FROM - $235,000.00 to $210,000.00
Designed and built by the premier European production yacht maker, Gwen Roy has been fastidiously maintained by her two owners.  With quality, proven durable systems, a three double cabin layout that actually works well, and a less cluttered cockpit than the twin wheel model, the 39C is an ideal choice for comfortable NZ cruising, plus fun club racing if desired. 

Features include: low hour (~1800) 40hp Volvo sail drive; generous tankage (200l fuel, 450l water, 120l black water); electric halyard winch; premium chart-plotter (not installed); new batteries (2022); twin heads (with showers above); 1.9m+ headroom; near new tender and dodger; premium Bavaria interior in excellent condition.

Currently sitting in Nelson Marina with her berth transferable to her next happy owner.

Check our website for more details and full specs.

Please contact Mike Cameron 021 765 141 or for more information.