KINGSTON: ex whale-chaser, now beautiful classic

$97,000 REDUCED $87,000PRICE REDUCED FROM $97,000.00 TO $87,000.00

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Listing offered by a Dealer / Broker
NZ Boat Sales
   Contact Mike Cameron
   0508 4 BOATS or 0508 4 26287
   021 765 141 (Mobile)
  PO Box 735
View Website


From chasing whales around Norfolk Island, to being the star of a TV series as the “Doctor’s Boat”, providing a fast and reliable medical service to Sounds residents, Kingston has subsequently been treated to fastidious maintenance and improvements by her most discerning current owner of 20 years.

39ft long and protected by high walk-around gunwales, her simple, spacious, light and modern interior layout is generous and works well.  Powered by the proven Detroit 671 she starts and runs well, cruising comfortably at 15kts.

Kingston will be sold with her Havelock Marina berth being transferrable to the new owner.

Owner will look at trades of WHY (eg. livestock, vehicle, trailer boat) for part payment.

Sole agency with  Please contact Mike Cameron 021 765 141 or for more information, or to arrange a viewing.